Boost Fertility with these Supplements

You may be wondering if you should take supplements when you’re trying to conceive. Can vitamins, minerals, and herbs actually help reverse infertility? The short answer is yes. The right supplements can absolutely help you get pregnant.

If you think you want to start your fertility journey within the next year, adding in high quality supplements that are well balanced and easily absorbed is a great way to support your body as you begin preparing it for a healthy pregnancy.

Rather than reaching for any old bottle of vitamins the next time you’re at the grocery store, we think it’s important for you to know what to look for. After all, the eggs you’ll be supporting could eventually be your baby! 

What supplements to take when you want to get pregnant.

First things first, no supplement is meant to cancel out a bad diet. They’re called supplements for a reason. It’s still important to eat well, minimize your exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals, and reduce your stress as much as possible when you’re trying to get pregnant.

Local, organic, minimally processed, fertility boosting foods are always going to be the best source of nutrients. But no matter how healthy you try to eat, no diet is ever perfect. 

Supplements are a great way to fine tune your healthy lifestyle and enhance your fertility. Deciding where to begin can feel a little overwhelming to say the least. Here’s a good place to start.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, building your blood is the foundation for conception and a healthy pregnancy. Making sure your blood has enough iron in it to adequately deliver oxygen to your ovaries and developing eggs is absolutely essential. Over time, chronic oxygen deprivation can cause the eggs to be non-viable or to break down before ovulation occurs. 

When ovulation isn’t happening (ovulatory infertility), a lack of  iron is usually to blame. Great sources of iron-rich foods include organ meats, oysters, molasses, and sardines. Let’s be honest- most of us aren’t eating beef liver for dinner. And unfortunately, Iron found in the more commonly eaten foods like spinach, quinoa, and soy don’t actually do all that much to improve iron levels in your blood. They need to be paired with vitamin C  in order for your body to absorb them.

It’s not just what you eat, but what you absorb that matters. Supplementing with a bioavailable Ferrochel® chelated iron or adding in a green warrior like Spirulina is a powerful and easy way to make sure you get enough iron to build a nice cozy endometrium for an embryo to latch onto.


There are several causes of a CoQ10  deficiency; aging, oxidative stress, vitamin B6 deficiency, chronic illness, and genetics just to name a few. And if you’re over the age of 30, your body’s production of CoQ10 is continuing to decrease as time goes by. This decline can be  a root cause of poor ovarian reserve and a leading cause of infertility.

As you age, your ovaries age too! The good news is that this can be reversed by increasing the level of CoQ10 in your body with a high quality supplement like the Active CoQ10 softgels by Magnolia Wellness. Supplementing with CoQ10 can reverse age-related decline in egg quality and quantity, helping you maintain a normal ovarian reserve. It’s truly like turning back the hands of time. You’ll feel younger because you’ll have more energy too!

Plus, not only will adding an easily absorbable CoQ10 to your fertility regiment improve your chances of getting pregnant, it will support the healthy development of your future baby’s organs by facilitating optimal mitochondrial function.


If you go back to the roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are several natural and non-invasive ways to regain your fertility. Herbs like Cooked Rehmannia Root, Chinese Angelica Root, Psoralea Fruit, Mulberry, Goji Berry, Morinda Root, Salvia Root, White Peony Root, Prunella, and Curcuma Rhizome are proven to work together to increase blood flow to and improve the health of your ovaries and uterus.

We know that sourcing and combining herbs can be intimidating no matter how many times you’ve been to the health food store. That’s why we created The Soulshine Ovary Elixir Tonic to make it easy and approachable to absolutely anyone. Just two squeezes of this tonic taken daily alone or in a beverage will boost ovulation and support your fertility.

Each drop is packed with herbs that will help to improve your ovulation cycle, regulate your periods, and boost your ovarian reserve to overcome infertility.  The Ovary Elixir doesn’t just improve your reproductive health. These herbs are super beneficial for your overall well being. 

Balanced sex hormones, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, and increased chance of having a baby? Yes please!

The Ovary Elixir is included in Magnolia Wellness’s Fertility Kit, along with The Ultimate Prenatal, CoQ10, a bundle of palo santo, and a beautiful candle.

Understanding the basics of a few supplements is just one piece of the puzzle.

We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface when it comes to supplements that can help you get pregnant. There’s so much more you’ll want to understand about Omega 3 fatty acids, Progesterone, Folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Iodine. And once you dive in there, then you’ll discover there’s even more to learn.

No one expects you to become a scientist. Your fertility dream team is here at Magnolia Wellness to help you every step of the way.  If you’re ready and looking for more support on your fertility journey, our  Overcoming Infertility Webinar is a wonderful next step to take.




Chemicals and Infertility