Encouragement for Every Woman Dreaming of Becoming a Mom This Mother’s Day

With Mother's Day on the horizon, the pressure to become a mom can feel overwhelming. If you’ve been navigating a fertility journey, this holiday can evoke a spectrum of emotions. Mother’s Day is a day that celebrates mothers in all their forms, yet it can also amplify and stir up the negative feelings for those yearning to become a mom. 

But the pressure you feel to get pregnant isn’t just emotional. It’s physiological. And it affects your body in tangible ways that can absolutely have a negative impact on your fertility. Simply put—stress affects the body in ways that can make conception much more challenging. 

So what if this Mother's Day, you chose a different approach? What if, instead of fixating on becoming a mother to a child, you decided to dedicate the day to mothering yourself?

This idea might seem counterintuitive at first, but think of it this way—we all know that one person who conceived almost effortlessly as soon as they stopped focusing so intently on getting pregnant. It begs the question: why does this happen, and what role does stress play in your fertility journey?

This Mother's Day, if you're open to the idea of mothering yourself first, you’ll honor not only the mother you hope to become but the wonderful person you already are. Plus, by nurturing a relaxed state of mind and body, you're not just giving yourself a much-needed break; you're actually improving your chances of pregnancy in the future. 

So what do you say? Are you ready to let your body feel safe and supported rather than stressed and on high alert?

Here are a few ways to reduce stress levels, care for yourself, and create an internal environment more conducive to conception . . .

Beyond Trying Harder: Relaxing Your Way into Pregnancy

There’s a good chance you’ve been on a long and challenging journey filled with tests, charts, and timed moments that all promise to lead you closer to your dream of becoming a mother. You've been doing everything "right," following every piece of advice, clinging to hope with each cycle, only to find yourself caught in an emotional whirlwind, oscillating between hope and despair. The depth of your commitment and the strength it takes to walk this path is honorable.

However, it's important to acknowledge something that often gets lost amidst the schedules and routines: sometimes, the very act of trying so hard can become a stress of its own, and this constant state of tension isn’t the most welcoming environment for the new life you're so eager to nurture. 

Your body is wise and it’s tuned to the rhythms of nature. It can sense when you’re in a state of stress, shifting its priorities in ways that might seem counterintuitive to your heartfelt desires. Are you open to acknowledging that you’re doing more than enough? That this is the time to shift from a place of stress to one of serenity.

Trust in the wisdom of your body and the timing of your life's unique unfolding. Remember, within you lies a profound capacity for creation, one that flourishes in spaces of love, peace, and acceptance. And sometimes the best thing you can do is to be kind to yourself, to soften your approach, and to stop striving so hard.

Your well-being matters immensely. Creating an environment of calm and peace within you is not giving up. It's opening up a different kind of space, one that is so much more nurturing for the new life you dream of.

Your Nervous System's Role in Fertility: Transitioning to ‘Rest and Digest’

The state of your nervous system plays a significant role in fertility, making the "rest and digest" mode (also known as the parasympathetic nervous state) very important if you're trying to get pregnant. When the body is in this state, it signals that you are in a safe and relaxed environment, allowing your body's systems to focus on non-emergency functions, such as digestion, healing, and reproduction. Here's why it's particularly crucial for fertility:

  1. Hormonal Balance: Stress can disrupt hormonal balance by increasing levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which can, in turn affect the hormones that regulate ovulation (and even sperm production). The "rest and digest" mode helps maintain hormonal equilibrium necessary for ovulation and fertilization.

  2. Improved Blood Flow: This relaxed state also enhances blood flow to vital organs, including reproductive organs, ensuring they receive the oxygen and nutrients needed to function optimally.

  3. Enhanced Egg and Sperm Quality: Stress has been associated with reduced egg and sperm quality. Being in a state of relaxation can help mitigate these effects, improving the chances of conception.

  4. Regulation of Menstrual Cycle: Chronic stress can lead to irregular or missed periods, making it difficult to predict ovulation. A calm nervous system supports regular menstrual cycles, aiding in timing efforts to conceive.

  5. Increased Libido: Stress can dampen libido, making the timing of intercourse for conception more challenging. The "rest and digest" state can increase sexual desire, potentially improving opportunities for natural conception.

  6. Supporting Early Pregnancy: Once conception occurs, a relaxed state can be beneficial for implantation and the early stages of pregnancy, reducing the risk of complications.

Focusing on activities that promote the "rest and digest" state, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and spending time in nature, can be extremely beneficial when you’re trying to get pregnant. Don’t let the simplicity discourage you from trying these tips for yourself.

Ways to Cultivate a Calm Nervous System & Boost Your Fertility Naturally

While it's just one aspect of what can sometimes be a more complex process, prioritizing relaxation and stress management can support your fertility immensely. You don’t have to do all of the following. Just choose what feels most comfortable for you.


The vagus nerve plays a critical role in regulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which governs our ability to relax and enter a "rest and digest" state. Techniques that stimulate the vagus nerve—such as deep, slow breathing; gentle humming; or even splashing your face with cold water—can help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels.

Ready to make this fun? One of the most delightful and enjoyable exercises to stimulate your vagus nerve and calm your nervous system involves nothing more than tuning into your favorite song and playing along with a kazoo. Yes, really. By "singing along" with your kazoo, you're not just indulging in a joyful activity but also activating the calming pathways of your parasympathetic nervous system. The vibrations created by humming into the kazoo resonate in a way that stimulates the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation and stress relief. 

You can get a cute wooden kazoo on Amazon for like ten bucks, and this is an activity that will certainly make you feel like a kid again.


In the quest to nurture yourself towards pregnancy, finding peace within your body is just as important as nurturing it physically. While massage therapy is more commonly heard of as a soothing escape that provides instant relaxation, acupuncture dives deeper, offering profound long-term therapeutic benefits for balancing your stress and sex hormones. 

The serene environment and gentle care provided during acupuncture sessions offer a sanctuary for both body and mind, harmonizing them in preparation for pregnancy. But it's about so much more than just tranquility. Acupuncture acts as a reset button for your nervous system. It gently shifts your body from the high alert 'fight or flight' mode into a serene 'rest and digest' state because of its ability to engage the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Through precise stimulation of specific points on the body, we enhance blood flow directly to the reproductive organs, nurturing them and setting the stage for conception. This practice not only balances hormones but also significantly lowers stress levels, which are often major barriers to fertility. 

The goal here is profound yet simple—to retrain the body to recognize relaxation as its baseline state rather than one of perpetual stress. If you have a type A personality or a high stress job or lifestyle, it’s best to get acupuncture on a weekly or biweekly basis. We realize that acupuncture can be expensive for some people, and want you to know that if you can only get acupuncture once a month, it will still be very beneficial for your fertility journey. 

Pro tip: If finances allow, make it a priority to get acupuncture the week of ovulation—ideally, a few days before you ovulate. Then come in for another acupuncture appointment, 6-8 days after ovulation to help with implantation.

If you’re going through an IVF process, receiving acupuncture before and after your transfer within a 24 hour time period increases your chance of conception by 50%.


These supplements can support the nervous system and potentially create a more conducive environment for conception by addressing stress, improving overall health, and boosting fertility in various ways:

B Vitamins

Nurturing your body with B vitamins is akin to laying down a foundation of calm and relaxation on your path to pregnancy. These vital nutrients, especially folate (B9), play a dual role in supporting your reproductive health and ensuring the early development of your future baby by facilitating crucial processes like DNA synthesis and repair. 

Beyond their direct benefits to fertility, B vitamins are instrumental in calming the nervous system. They aid in producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood and help manage stress responses. 

A tranquil nervous system, supported by B vitamins, not only enhances your overall well-being but can also positively influence fertility, making the journey towards conception less about striving and more about thriving in a state of serene readiness.

Learn more about and buy Ultimate B Complex by Magnolia Wellness here.

Omegas + COQ10

Merging the potent benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) creates a nurturing synergy for your nervous system and fertility, embodying a gentle approach towards welcoming new life.

 Omega-3 fatty acids lay the groundwork for hormonal harmony and vital cell functions, easing inflammation and fostering a conducive environment for reproductive health. They extend their nurturing touch to brain health, improving mood and equipping you to manage stress more effectively. 

Complementing this, CoQ10 steps in as a powerful ally, fueling cellular energy for optimal egg and sperm quality and shielding your reproductive system from oxidative stress. Together, these nutrients champion a relaxed and nourished path to pregnancy, emphasizing the beauty of nurturing over striving, and illuminating a less forceful yet profoundly effective route to conceiving.

Learn more about and buy Omega + CoQ10 by Magnolia Wellness here.


Glutathione, often celebrated as the body's master antioxidant, plays a crucial role in the gentle journey towards conception by enveloping your cells in protective care. It shields cells from oxidative stress and damage, which is indispensable for the health of both eggs and sperm, laying a fertile groundwork for new life. 

Beyond its direct benefits to reproductive health, glutathione's ability to reduce oxidative stress acts as a serene whisper to the nervous system, encouraging calm and balance. This harmonious blend of cellular protection and tranquility fosters an optimal state of fertility, emphasizing a nurturing, relaxed approach to becoming pregnant, rather than an arduous quest filled with effort.

Learn more about and buy Ultimate Glutathione by Magnolia Wellness here.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

In the gentle pursuit of nurturing your body towards pregnancy, incorporating N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) offers a soothing blend of antioxidative support and fertility enhancement. Serving as a precursor to glutathione, NAC brings powerful antioxidant capabilities to the forefront, actively reducing oxidative stress and safeguarding cells from damage. 

This protective role extends into the realm of reproductive health, where NAC shines by potentially improving ovulatory function, making it especially beneficial if you’re navigating the challenges of conditions like PCOS, a common hurdle on the path to conception. 

Through fostering a healthier reproductive system, NAC indirectly nurtures a more balanced and serene nervous system, embodying the philosophy of relaxing into pregnancy to create a welcoming environment for new life.

Learn more about and buy Ultimate NAC by Magnolia Wellness here.


Anxiety is a common experience for many, yet when it intertwines with the already stressful journey of expanding your family, it can add an unwelcome layer of complexity. Recognizing and addressing this anxiety is crucial, as it not only affects your mental well-being but can also create hurdles in nurturing your fertility.

The following are very helpful if you’re grappling with anxiety:

Reishi Mushrooms: Nature's Stress-Relief Ally

Reishi mushrooms are an adaptogen that offers a natural shield against the wide spectrum of stressors affecting our daily lives. These remarkable fungi support the body’s intrinsic ability to balance and counteract stress, whether it’s physical, chemical, or biological.

By fostering a state of calm, Reishi mushrooms contribute significantly to reducing anxiety levels, thus promoting a more relaxed nervous system. This relaxation is crucial, as stress is known to be a silent adversary in the quest for fertility. Additionally, their role in bolstering the immune system cannot be overstated; a robust immune system ensures your body remains resilient against stress, potentially diminishing its adverse effects on fertility.

Learn more about how Reishi is a wonderful supplement on your path to fertility in this blog post here.

Calm Plus Homeopathic Spray: Instant Serenity at Your Fingertips

For moments when the stress feels overwhelming, reaching for Calm Plus Homeopathic Spray offers immediate solace. Specially formulated to address anxiety and panic attacks, this homeopathic remedy provides rapid relief by simply spraying under the tongue. Its ease of use and quick action make it an invaluable companion in today’s fast-paced world, especially when you’re navigating the emotional rollercoaster of trying to conceive.

Calm Plus embodies a pocket-sized sanctuary; it’s designed not just for use in anticipation of, during, or after stress-inducing situations but as a daily ally in maintaining emotional equilibrium. Its non-habit-forming nature speaks to the gentle but effective approach it takes in managing anxiety and associated emotions such as fear and irritability. 

Convenience is key with Calm Plus, as its compact size ensures it’s always within reach for on-the-go relief, making it easier to keep anxiety at bay and focus on the joyous path to parenthood.

Learn more about and buy Calm Plus Spray here.

Self-Care on the Journey to Motherhood: Options, Not Obligations

This blog post offers various options for self-care and stress management, but it's not a checklist or a set of expectations you must meet. The intention is for you to feel informed and uplifted, giving you tools to use as you see fit, not to add to your burdens. This information is here to serve you by providing choices, aiming to make your journey into motherhood feel lighter, not weighed down by additional demands.

The most important thing to remember is that achieving your dream of motherhood involves living in the present, finding beauty in the now, even as you hold space for the future. In doing so you're taking a powerful step towards creating a welcoming home for your future child. 


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