Nutrition for Fertility

When it comes to fertility, Traditional Chinese Medicine has a variety of methods to increase your chances of conceiving. When you keep your belly warm, nourish your kidneys and receive acupuncture regularly, you’ll already be one step closer to pregnancy. Additionally, one of the most important and impactful ways you can increase your chances of getting pregnant is through the foods you eat.

Whereas western medicine categorizes nutrition through mineral and vitamin content, TCM considers those factors and the energetic impact of food to your organs. TCM views your health through a holistic lens, so naturally when we focus on fertility nutrition, we take no shortcuts to ensure that you’re nourishing your body completely.


Foods to Increase Your Fertility

Eat the rainbow and have tons of leafy greens, red, orange and yellow veggies, and cruciferous veggies.

Have fatty foods like avocado, flax and sunflower seeds, and olive oil.

Enjoy protein consumed through plant-based sources like lentils, beans, lentils, quinoa and brown rice or through animal protein such as organic poultry and free range, happy eggs.

Water might seem like a no brainer but oftentimes, when you’re dehydrated, you have lower levels of fertile cervical fluid. Drink all the warm or room temperature water to keep yourself hydrated.

Foods to Avoid When You’re Trying to Conceive

  • Cold food or drinks. The temperature of your food is important so make sure you’re eating a cooked, warm diet as much as possible and skip adding ice to your water

  • Processed and junk food

  • Large fish like tuna and halibut

  • Canned foods

  • Spicy foods

  • Anything dehydrating like coffee, chocolate, sugar based, fried or even carbonated drinks

To create a customized TCM nutritional guide specific for you, feel free to make a telemedicine appointment with one of our TCM practitioners. We can discuss your fertility journey and suggest the proper foods and herbs to support you.


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