Do you need to detox? Since you’re living in today’s modern world, there’s a good chance you do. There’s pollution in the air we breathe, pesticides on the foods we eat, and forever chemicals in the clothes we wear. Toxins are impossible to avoid . . . even if you live a healthy lifestyle!

But with so many detoxes, fasts, and cleanses out there, how do you know where to start? In this beginner’s guide to detoxing, we’ll cover the different types of detoxes, why they’re important, common mistakes to avoid, and tips for a safe and effective cleanse.

Why You Might Want to Do a Detox

Over time, our bodies are exposed to common toxins from the environment, processed foods, medications, and many other sources. While the body has its own natural detoxification mechanisms, a detoxification protocol can help eliminate these accumulated toxins as an overload makes it very difficult for the body to function optimally.

Here are some extremely common everyday toxins that can wreak havoc in your body:

Toxins from the Environment:

  1. Heavy metals: Lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium can be found in contaminated water, air pollution, certain fish, and industrial settings.

  2. Pesticides and herbicides: These chemicals are used in agriculture and can be present in fruits, vegetables, and grains.

  3. Environmental pollutants: Air pollution, chemicals in household products, and industrial waste can introduce toxins into your system.

Toxins from Processed Foods:

  1. Food additives: Artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, and sweeteners can be found in processed foods.

  2. Trans fats: These unhealthy fats are commonly found in fried and processed foods.

  3. Synthetic chemicals: Some processed foods may contain synthetic chemicals like BPA (Bisphenol A) or phthalates, which can leach from packaging materials.

Toxins from Medications and Medical Procedures:

  1. Prescription drugs: Certain medications, when taken over a long period, may create a buildup of toxins in the body.

  2. Over-the-counter drugs: Excessive use or prolonged use of certain over-the-counter medications may contribute to toxin accumulation.

  3. Amalgam fillings: Leaky dental fillings can lead to fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, neurological disorders, and mercury poisoning.

One individual toxin from this list isn’t enough to cause any noticeable harm. But when you have a combination of toxins mixed with other stressors, it forms a perfect storm—and BOOM! Now you’re noticing symptoms of toxicity.

With so many of us dealing with hormone problems, weight concerns, digestive issues, sleep problems, skin rashes, and cognitive difficulties, people have started to turn to detoxing for symptom relief. 

Why? Because detoxing works. But only if you do it right.

Common Detoxing Mistakes to Avoid

If you’ve unsuccessfully attempted to do a detox before, there’s a good chance that it made you feel worse and you simply gave up. This happens because there are actually three steps to every detox, but most people put all of their time and effort into only one of the steps.

Which leads us to . . .


The 3 steps to a successful detox are:

  1. Preparation

  2. Elimination

  3. Maintenance

When doing a self-guided detox, most people skip steps one and three. They jump right in and only do the second step. This is a problem because this “method” only moves toxins around your body. It doesn’t eliminate them. Without proper preparation, you’re simply stirring things up and all the toxins just get reabsorbed.

So how do you do the preparation needed for a detox? You open up the drainage pathways long before you start detoxing. 

So remember . . .

Detoxing is the act of pulling toxins out of your body. Drainage is the system of pathways in which these toxins leave the body.

Before doing anything to encourage a detox, you need to make sure your drainage pathways are open and clear in order for the toxins to make their grand exit.

When our drainage pathways are sluggish, they get overloaded, and we begin to experience signs of toxic overload like:

  • Gas, bloating, constipation, and GI distress

  • Low mood, anxiety, and depression

  • Brain fog, poor memory, and the inability to focus

  • Eczema, acne, and rashes

  • Hormonal imbalances, insomnia, headaches, and weight gain

Whatever you do, don’t skip this step. 

Some of the key drainage pathways include:

  1. Colon: The colon plays a crucial role in eliminating waste and toxins through bowel movements.

  2. Liver: The liver is responsible for filtering toxins from the blood and converting them into less harmful substances that can be eliminated from the body.

  3. Kidneys: The kidneys filter toxins and waste products from the blood, which are then excreted through urine.

  4. Lymphatic system: The lymphatic system helps remove toxins and waste materials from tissues and carries them to the lymph nodes for elimination.

  5. Skin: The skin acts as a major elimination organ by excreting toxins through sweat.

  6. Respiratory system: The respiratory system eliminates toxins through exhalation and helps in the removal of airborne pollutants.

There are things you can do to help encourage opening up the drainage pathways like: 

Support your lymphatic system by rebounding on a mini trampoline, using a gua sha stone, dry brushing, or by booking an appointment for Lymphatic Therapy Treatment or Cupping.

Support your liver by drinking lemon water in the morning, minimizing your consumption of alcohol, doing castor oil packs, and by supplementing with Magnolia Wellness’s SoulShine Detox Elixir.

Support your kidneys by staying hydrated with filtered water, eating root veggies, and taking bathroom breaks whenever you feel the urge.

Support your colon by getting physical activity everyday to keep things moving, remineralizing your drinking water, and supplementing for optimal digestion. If you’re not having 1-3 bowel movements a day, your colon needs a little extra love.

Because if you’re not pooping well, you’re not detoxing. And if you’re not detoxing, you’re accumulating.

By far, the most effective way we’ve found to open up the drainage pathways and make sure everything is functioning properly is with the CellCore Phase 1 Cleanse, which you can buy online here.

And lastly, there’s maintenance—which you’ll read more about in Mistake #3.


We recommend using CellCore Phase 1 because it not only opens up the drainage pathways, but it’s also designed to strengthen the mitochondria before detoxing. 

The reason for this approach is that mitochondria play a crucial role in various bodily functions, including energy production, detoxification, and cellular repair. By optimizing mitochondrial health, the body is better equipped to handle the detoxification process effectively.

The products in CellCore Phase 1 deliver key nutrients that support mitochondrial health and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production. ATP is the primary energy molecule in cells, and by enhancing its production, CellCore Phase 1 helps improve overall energy levels. This increased energy is beneficial during detoxification, as it supports the body's natural processes of eliminating toxins.

If you don't have enough energy from healthy mitochondria to support the detoxification process, it can potentially hinder the body's ability to eliminate toxins effectively. Without sufficient energy, these processes may become compromised.

Here are some potential consequences of inadequate energy from unhealthy mitochondria during detoxification:

  1. Reduced toxin elimination: The body relies on energy-intensive processes to break down and eliminate toxins. Insufficient energy can slow down or impair these processes, leading to a buildup of toxins in the body.

  2. Increased oxidative stress: Inefficient mitochondrial function can lead to increased oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can further damage cells and hinder detoxification processes.

  3. Impaired cellular repair: Detoxification involves repairing damaged cells and tissues. Without adequate energy, the body may struggle to perform these repair processes effectively, prolonging the detoxification timeline.

  4. Sluggish metabolism: Mitochondria play a vital role in metabolism, including the breakdown of nutrients and the production of energy. If mitochondria are not functioning optimally, it can lead to a sluggish metabolism, making it more challenging for the body to process and eliminate toxins efficiently.

Furthermore, strengthening the mitochondria before detoxing actually helps establish healthy drainage pathways. By optimizing mitochondrial function and supporting drainage pathways, CellCore Phase 1 sets a solid foundation for successful detoxification.


When most people decide to do a detox, it’s usually because of a book they read, a podcast they listened to, a social media post they saw, or an enthusiastic friend who’s looking for an accountability buddy. A lot of times these cleanses start by chasing one symptom or another and end before any detoxing has ever even begun.

A true, effective detox takes time. It can’t be done in a week . . .  or even a month. 

It takes about a month just to open your drainage pathways so any program that says it can be done in less time than that won’t be nearly as effective as you want it to be. While those types of “detoxes” won’t do much to clear your body of accumulated toxins, they are great ways to support your body so it’s able to maintain ongoing detoxification. And if you remember from above—maintenance is the third step of detoxing.

Depending on what type of detoxing you’ll be doing, it may take anywhere from three months to three years. It might sound like we’re being extreme, but isn’t it even more extreme to think you can detox 20, 30, or 40 plus years of toxins in a few days?

Our toxic burden started accumulating before we were even born. Most of us have mothers who painted their walls with lead paint, have mercury fillings in their mouths, and guess what?—some of those metals transferred to you.

Detoxing also requires the use of binders. 

That’s why a detox tea or a few sweat sessions in the sauna won’t be quite enough for a thorough cleanse. Binders are substances that have the ability to bind to toxins, such as heavy metals, in the gastrointestinal tract. They work by forming a complex or bond with the toxin, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream and facilitating its elimination through feces. Examples of binders include activated charcoal and certain types of clay.

While the primary route of elimination for toxins is typically through the feces, some binders can also aid in eliminating toxins through other pathways. 

Here are a few examples:

  1. Urinary elimination: Certain binders have the ability to bind to toxins in the bloodstream, facilitating their filtration by the kidneys and subsequent elimination through urine.

  2. Bile excretion: Toxins can be bound in the bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. By binding to toxins in the bile, these binders can contribute to their removal through the bile excreted into the intestines.

  3. Sweat: Some binders may also support the excretion of toxins through sweat. This process can be beneficial for certain types of toxins, especially those that can be eliminated through the skin.

So how do you know what kind of detox you need to do? There is no one treatment or protocol that is right for everyone. Each type of cleanse is designed to target a different area of the body and eliminate toxins from that area. 

Different Types of Detoxes . . . What kind is Right for You?

Living in a world full of toxins can take a toll on our health. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, toxins are everywhere. But the good news is that we can always lend our body a helping hand to detoxify and feel our best.

Here are some detoxes you may want to consider. No matter which one you choose, remember that you’ll want to start by opening your drainage pathways first.


The liver is the body's primary detox organ, responsible for filtering out toxins from the bloodstream. Your liver acts as a shield for other organs. By being the first line of defense, it can significantly reduce the number of toxins that reach other organs. 

When your liver becomes overwhelmed, it can lead to liver damage and other health problems like impaired detoxification, inflammation, oxidative stress, compromised immune function, hormonal imbalances, and digestive issues.

Completing a liver detox can be a game-changer in optimizing your liver's function, allowing it to effectively detoxify your blood, produce bile for fat digestion, break down hormones, and store vital nutrients.⁠ It’s also important to address any underlying issues that are causing the liver stagnation in the first place. The SoulShine Detox Elixir is a liver tonic that will help your liver function at an optimal level.

Your liver has over 500 jobs to do so making sure it’s working optimally is absolutely crucial for living a healthy life. 

We need strong liver function to detox, but we also need it for:

  • breaking down proteins to amino acids

  • producing ketones

  • producing bile

  • converting T4 to T3

  • storing excess nutrients

If you’re interested in detoxing your liver, consider starting CellCore Phase 2 after finishing CellCore Phase 1. These cleanses can contribute to supporting liver function and detoxification efforts. However, complete detoxification of the liver requires a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, targeted supplementation, and ongoing support for liver health.

Some ways to support healthy liver function that you’ll want to further research include:

  • The benefits of drinking lemon water to tone and gently stimulate the liver

  • The role NAC and Glutathione play in liver function and its detoxification processes

  • How castor oil packs support liver function and improve detoxification

  • Ways bitter greens such as dandelion greens, nettle, and arugula promote natural liver detoxification

  • Ways that bitters made with botanicals such as herbs, spices, roots, and citrus peels can stimulate bile production

  • How herbal supplements like milk thistle, dandelion root, schisandra, turmeric root, and licorice root can reduce inflammation in your liver, aid in detoxification, and protect against liver damage

These herbs can all be found in Magnolia Wellness’s SoulShine Detox Elixir available in our online shop.


We all have toxic heavy metals in us. We’re exposed to them from the air we breathe, the cosmetics we use, and the water we drink. Toxic metals are in jet fuel, scented candles, perfume, and the fillings in your mouth. Most of us are even born with old heavy metals that have been passed down generationally.

Some common heavy metals include:

  1. Lead: Found in old paint, contaminated water, soil, and some consumer products.

  2. Mercury: Found in certain fish, dental amalgams, and contaminated water.

  3. Arsenic: Present in groundwater, certain foods, and industrial pollutants.

  4. Cadmium: Found in cigarette smoke, certain foods, and industrial emissions.

  5. Aluminum: Present in cookware, antiperspirants, and some medications.

Detoxifying heavy metals from our bodies is important because these metals can have detrimental effects on our health. When heavy metals accumulate in organs and tissues, they can disrupt normal bodily functions and lead to various health problems. 

Some potential health issues associated with heavy metal exposure include:

  1. Neurological Disorders: Heavy metals like lead and mercury can affect the nervous system, leading to cognitive impairment, developmental delays, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

  2. Cardiovascular Problems: Certain heavy metals, including lead and cadmium, have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

  3. Kidney Damage: Cadmium and lead, in particular, can damage the kidneys and impair their ability to filter toxins from the blood. This can result in kidney dysfunction and chronic kidney disease.

  4. Respiratory Issues: Inhalation of heavy metal particles, such as those found in industrial pollution or cigarette smoke (cadmium), can lead to respiratory problems, including inflammation, lung damage, and an increased risk of respiratory infections.

  5. Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Heavy metal exposure, especially to arsenic, can cause gastrointestinal issues such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

  6. Hormonal Imbalances: Some heavy metals, including lead and mercury, can disrupt hormone production and function, leading to hormonal imbalances and associated health problems.

Toxic heavy metals alone or toxic heavy metals in combination with a virus or other stressors can cause a variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression, cancer, alzheimer, endometriosis, and much more.

Okay, so now you know you want to get rid of these toxins. But toxic heavy metals don’t just leave the body on their own. We have to take the right steps to effectively remove them. 

Both binders and chelators aim to reduce the burden of toxins, including heavy metals, in the body.

They help prevent further absorption and facilitate the elimination of these harmful substances. While they serve a similar purpose, binders and chelators may have different mechanisms of action.

Binders: Binders are substances that have the ability to bind to toxic substances, such as heavy metals, in the gastrointestinal tract. They work by forming a complex or bond with the toxin, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream and facilitating its elimination through feces. Examples of binders include activated charcoal and certain types of clay.

Chelators: Chelators are compounds that can form stable complexes with heavy metal ions, effectively binding to the metals in tissues and bodily fluids. This binding process, known as chelation, helps mobilize and remove the metals from the body via urine or feces. Chelators are often administered orally or intravenously under medical supervision. 

There are several examples of binders and chelators that are commonly used in heavy metal detox protocols. Some of these include:

  1. Chlorella: This green algae is known for its ability to bind to heavy metals and help facilitate their elimination from the body. Chlorella contains a substance called sporopollenin, which has been found to effectively bind to heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, and lead.

  2. Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP): Derived from the pith of citrus fruit peels, MCP is a form of pectin that has been modified to have smaller molecular size. It has the ability to bind to heavy metals and prevent their absorption in the gut. MCP has shown promise in studies for its ability to chelate and eliminate toxic metals from the body.

  3. Zeolite: Zeolites are natural minerals that have a unique structure with a high affinity for heavy metals. They act as molecular sieves, trapping heavy metals within their porous structure. Zeolite has been studied for its potential in binding and removing heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic.

  4. Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is a highly porous form of carbon that has been treated to increase its adsorption capacity. It is commonly used as a binder to trap and remove toxins, including heavy metals, from the body. Activated charcoal works by binding to toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and preventing their absorption into the bloodstream.

  5. EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid): EDTA is a synthetic amino acid that has been used as a chelating agent for heavy metals. It forms stable complexes with metal ions, allowing them to be excreted through urine. EDTA chelation therapy is often administered under medical supervision.

  6. Fulvic Acid:  Fulvic acid is often used in detox protocols due to its chelating properties. Fulvic acid has the capability to bind or combine with metals, including heavy metals, to create stable chemical structures. These complexes are formed when fulvic acid molecules surround and interact with metal ions, resulting in a complex formation. This process allows fulvic acid to effectively capture and hold onto metals, facilitating their transportation within the body.

  7. Humic Acid: Humic acid is considered a binder and chelator for heavy metal detoxification. Humic acid, along with its derivative, fulvic acid, has been found to be effective in binding to heavy metals such as lead and mercury, helping to remove them from the body. These organic acids have also shown anti-inflammatory properties that may also help support detoxification processes.

  8. Apple pectin: Apple pectin, a fiber supplement derived from apples, has been found to attract various biotoxins and heavy metals to its surface, helping to remove them from the body. It acts as a chelating agent, binding to heavy metals and assisting in their elimination.

  9. Cilantro: Cilantro, also known as coriander or Coriandrum Sativum, has been studied for its potential effectiveness in detoxing heavy metals. Some research suggests that cilantro may have chelating properties and the ability to bind to heavy metals, facilitating their elimination from the body.

The choice between using a binder or a chelator may depend on factors such as the specific toxin involved, the route of administration, and individual health considerations. It is important to work with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate approach for detoxification based on individual needs and circumstances.

In addition to using binders and chelators, taking Glutathione has been found to play a key role in detoxifying heavy metals.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that our bodies produce. It’s so powerful in fact, that its nickname is “The Master Antioxidant.” And Glutathione is also considered the master detoxifier because of its ability to eliminate heavy metals, mycotoxins, and other toxins from the system

Heavy metals such as mercury can accumulate in the body and cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. Glutathione helps in the detoxification process by binding to these heavy metals and facilitating their elimination from the body.


Parasites are pathogens that live on or inside other organisms and derive its nourishment from their host. There are many different types of parasites that can live inside humans. And if you’ve ever walked barefoot on the earth, owned a pet, swam in the ocean, or eaten sushi—it’s a guarantee that you have them.

As all the best holistic wellness practitioners say, “If you have a pulse, you have parasites!”

Parasites aren’t just something you get when you travel abroad. Parasites don’t care how healthy you eat, how much you go to the gym, or how much money you make. As long as you act as a comfy home and a source of nourishment for them, they’re happy to move right on in and never leave.

These critters are much more common than most people realize and can trigger a wide range of health issues. 

Here are some health issues commonly associated with parasite infestations:

  • Digestive problems (such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain)

  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

  • Fatigue and weakness

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Skin issues (rashes, itching, sores)

  • Allergies or sensitivities

  • Joint and muscle pain

  • Anemia

  • Immune system dysfunction

  • Mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, irritability)

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Reduced cognitive function

  • Increased susceptibility to infections

In some cases, parasites may be the underlying culprit behind chronic problems and these concerns can often be overlooked. For instance, there is reason to believe that there is a link between parasites and ADHD and a link between parasites and autoimmune disorders.

When looking to address other areas such as mycotoxins from mold, heavy metals, bacteria, co-infections, and environmental toxins, health practitioners see the most success when eliminating parasites prior to or in tandem with this list due to their ability to hold onto them.

Additionally, some herbs that kill parasites include:

  • Wormwood

  • Black Walnut

  • Clove

  • Neem

  • Oregon Grape

  • Goldenseal

  • Thyme

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract

Addressing parasites is a critical part of root cause medicine, and the best time to do a parasite cleanse is during the full moon because that’s when they lay their eggs. We recommend the Full Moon Para Kit by CellCore. 

How to Get Started with Your Detox

Ready for a successful and symptom free detox? The CellCore Phase 1 Cleanse is a great starting point because no matter what protocol you decide to do, opening your drainage pathways is the first step.

To learn more about the CellCore Phase 1 Cleanse so you can get your health back on track, you can check out this blog here.


