According to TCM, tiredness or a lack of energy is caused by an imbalance in the QI, blood, or organs. If you’re experiencing depleted QI, or life force, you may have a weakened immune system, weak pulse and no appetite. Fatigue can also show up when your yin and yang is imbalanced like if your yang is on overdrive without the calming nature of the yin.

Below are some tips to boost your energy naturally from TCM theory and from a lifestyle perspective so that you can regulate and restore your energy.


21 Ways to Boost Energy

#1. Increase magnesium

Magnesium converts the glucose within food to energy so getting enough magnesium can keep your energy levels stable and prevent tiredness.

#2. Get acupuncture

Acupuncture is a fantastic way to soothe yang energy and activate yin energy to boost your qi and open up any energy blockages. Make an appointment here.

#3. Drink enough water throughout the day

More often than not, we’re more dehydrated than we realize! Find yourself a water bottle that you love and aim for at least 8-12 ounces/day.

#4. Take a 15 minute power nap

The National Sleep Foundation claims that the ideal time for an adult to nap is either 20 or 90 minutes long. Shorter naps help you feel refreshed, alert and energized.

#5. Snack on nuts

Almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts and macadamias will give you the best natural energy boost.

#6. Move your body for 10 minutes

It might not seem like that much time, but within 10 minutes, you’ll increase your oxygen intake and give yourself the energy boost you need.

#7. Avoid any blood sugar spikes and make sure you don’t skip meals

Big spikes are usually followed by big dips which is when you feel low energy and depleted.

#8. Resist the urge to press snooze

The experts say that when you hit the snooze button, you’re actually making yourself more drowsy. Waking up when your alarm goes off is actually more beneficial than taking that 10 minute nap right away. 

#9. Instead of 3 cups of coffee in the morning, have small sips of caffeine throughout the day

A 2004 study by Harvard Medical School found that 2 oz doses of coffee within every hour is the best way to stay alert and awake throughout the day without crashing.

#10. Uplifting essential oils

Peppermint or citrus essential oils can help perk you up. Diffuse them or dab a few drops on your wrist for a pick me up.

#11. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than you usually do

Turn off screens at least 30 minutes before you’re ready to sleep so that you can decrease extra simulation and limit the blue light.

#12. Try breathwork like the wim hof method

This type of meditation and breathwork will increase your energy and focus, and give you better sleep and immunity levels.

#13. Incorporate a multivitamin into your diet

Oftentimes, we’re missing a few vitamins and supplementing with a multivitamin can help your energy levels.

#14. Cut out processed foods

Processed foods are typically loaded in salt, added sugar, unhealthy fats, and additives. They’re hard to digest and lead to big blood sugar dips, which we already are trying to avoid.

#15. Limit your alcohol intake

Alcohol disrupts your sleep and therefore, impacts your energy levels as well. Here’s a whole list of mocktail recipes to try this spring season.

#16. Take B vitamins

Did you know that almost all the cells in your body use B12? It helps form red blood cells and converts protein and fat to energy. Usually, a B12 deficiency adds to tiredness and anemia so if you’re looking for a natural boost, add some vitamin B to the mix.

#17. Try acupressure

For an energy boost, apply pressure and massage in both directions for 3 to 5 minutes to the pad between the joint of the thumb and index finger.

#18. Prioritize rest

It seems like we’ve forgotten how to slow down and calm our minds. Taking a second to yourself to recoup can actually provide a quick energy boost versus powering through a work day.

#19. Add goji berries to your morning smoothie or as a topper to your cereal

Goji berries are packed full of antioxidants and 9 essential amino acids that boost energy, vitality, fertility, athletic performance and even help your immune system thrive.

#20. Create a morning ritual

Before the day begins, allow for enough time to connect to yourself. When you have something to look forward to when you open your eyes for the day, you’ll notice your energy levels stay elevated too.

#21. Incorporate spirulina into your foods

Spirulina has no cell wall, meaning it’s incredibly easy to digest and is an immediate source of protein and vitamins. For energy and plant based protein, it’s a must have.


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