Essential Lab Tests for Women Trying to Conceive

If you’ve been thinking about having a baby or have been trying to conceive for some time, lab testing should be on the top of your to do list. 

More than 3 million women struggle to get and stay pregnant every year. And unfortunately, many of those gals don’t know that they can uncover the root cause of their infertility pretty easily. Even if you’re not thinking about having a baby right now, it’s still important to know what's going on inside of your body before you want to get pregnant. 

Lab testing can give you insight on exactly how your hormones and reproductive organs are functioning. Infertility struggles, hormonal imbalances, and chronic conditions aren’t normal, and they don’t have to be a part of your story any longer. With even just one test, you can unlock a whole new understanding of your body.

When It Comes to Your Fertility, If You're Not Testing, You’re Guessing.

Most couples jump head first into baby making and leave preconception planning in the dust. 

However—not knowing what's happening with your hormones, nutritional needs, menstrual cycle, or the quality of your eggs before you try to get pregnant can lead to a lot of confusion and disappointment. 

You should be prepping your body at least 3-6 months before trying to conceive. And the perfect place to start your preconception journey is with lab testing. 

But this doesn’t mean that you should take every single test out there . . . it’s more important that you take the right ones. So, to save you a bunch of time scouring the internet, here’s the tests that will give you a true snapshot of your fertility health. 

And if setting these up on your own feels a little overwhelming, you can call Magnolia Wellness at 949-612-7247, and we’ll get them set up for you (even if you don’t live closeby). 

1. Genova NutrEval

The Genova NutrEval is a cheek swab (saliva test), urine sample, and a blood draw. If you’re experiencing weight management issues, are struggling to get pregnant or have miscarried, or are showing signs of insulin resistance, this one's for you. 

This test measures mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and toxic exposures to heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and MTBE from tap water. 

Genova NutrEval will reveal what genetic and lifestyle predispositions may be contributing to your fertility struggles so you can get on the fast track to pregnancy.

2. DUTCH Complete

The DUTCH Complete is an at-home urine test that measures reproductive hormones and their metabolites. If you’re experiencing hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, and are struggling to get pregnant, the DUTCH Complete test can help you identify the causes of your infertility. 

Women who are struggling to get pregnant most often aren’t producing a healthy ratio of progesterone and testosterone. When that happens, they don’t have any luteinizing hormones to signal the egg to ovulate—AKA they can’t get pregnant. 

By revealing if the body’s actually not producing hormones or if it’s just not metabolizing them properly, you’ll uncover what steps you’ll need to take next to promote optimal fertility.

3. Complete Thyroid Panel 

The Complete Thyroid Panel is a blood test that measures TSH, antibodies and ALL T3 and T4 levels. These levels determine if the thyroid is functioning properly. If you’re struggling with infertility, have painful periods, or unpredictable bleeding patterns, this test could uncover the root cause.

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism negatively impact fertility by disrupting the menstrual cycle, interfering with ovulation, and increasing the risk of early-term miscarriage and premature birth. These conditions can both lead to infertility by taking away the ability to become pregnant and to carry a fetus to term. 

Thyroid blood tests can determine if hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are present. If you’re experiencing either one, treating your condition is essential for a healthy pregnancy to occur.

4. Vaginosis Profile

The Vaginosis Profile is a self-administered vaginal swab that’s as easy as inserting a tampon. It measures the pH of your vaginal microbiome. If you get persistent yeast infections, experience vaginal discomfort (pain, itching, or burning), or notice a strong fish-like odor, this test will give you the answers you’re looking for. 

If you struggle with any of the symptoms above, your vagina’s immune system is out of whack . . . it’s in a constant, raised state of response. It’s very likely that you won’t be able to have a healthy baby (or make one at all). If the vagina is too acidic, your partner's sperm will be killed before the little swimmers can make it past your birthing canal. 

Hormonal imbalances, irritation, and infection can harm sperm, eggs, and even cause scarring of your fallopian tubes leading to fertilization failure. Figuring out what's going on with your microbiome is key to getting you pregnant. 

While a healthy vaginal microbiome is important when you’re actively trying to make a baby, it’s even more important after conceiving (if you do manage to get pregnant).

If you’re struggling with infertility, it’s usually best to bundle all of these tests so that you can quickly and easily identify what’s been keeping you from having a baby. You can call Magnolia Wellness at 949-612-7247 to get your testing started or join the Overcoming Infertility Program, which includes each of these labs.

Let’s Get You on the Fast Track to Optimal Fertility.

If you want to have a baby, prepare for your future pregnancy, or overcome the chronic conditions that are sabotaging your fertility, then lab testing is exactly what you need to start your healing journey. 

No matter where you live in the world, we can help coordinate all of your lab testing for you. Each test can be done in the comfort of your home with a mobile phlebotomist, at a nearby outpatient testing facility, or in person at Magnolia Wellness.

Find out What Labs and Testing are Right for You. 

Schedule your 1:1 Fertility Consult to get personalized testing advice specifically for your fertility journey. 


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