He Shou Wu: An Anti-Aging TCM Herb

Aging is a beautiful human experience everyone goes through. While we can’t avoid it in its entirety, we can use Chinese Herbs to age more gracefully with less physical changes and body pain. Sometimes, premature aging occurs as a result of internal imbalances or stress that Chinese Herbs can help with. Premature hair graying, lower back pain, knee pain, vision loss, and insomnia are some of the not-so-fun signs. He Shou Wu - known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as one of the most important herbs in the world, is a tonifying anti-aging herb that treats all of those symptoms and more. This herb heals your body from the inside out. He Shou Wu is completely safe, natural, and can be taken every day for optimized health!  

Benefits of He Shou Wu 

  • Supports blood production

  • Supports life essence restoration and maintenance

  • Helps protect the brain

  • Supports healthy aging  

  • Transitions hair follicles from damaged, dormant stages into rejuvenated, fast-growing growth patterns

  • Anti-inflammatory 

  • Antitumor effects

  • Antibacterial


Prepared Organically Grown Hu Shou Wu Root 


Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day 

Where to buy 

You can find He Shou Wu in person at Magnolia Wellness OC or at our online shop. Also, if you’d like to learn more about herbal treatments, you can book an in-person or telemedicine session with one of our master herbalists. We take 30 minutes to discuss your health concerns and then provide you with a customized herbal prescription. Let us know if you have any questions! 


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