4 Chinese Herbs for Libido: Enhance Your Libido With Traditional Chinese Medicine


Want to enhance your sex drive in a natural, time-tested way?

Traditional Chinese Medicine can help. It’s been used for centuries to help people boost libido using herbs—instead of putting strange substances in your body.

But before we chat about HOW this works—let’s talk about the underlying issues. 

10 Reasons Why Your Sex Drive Is Low 

1. Stress

When you're under a lot of stress, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that can decrease your sex drive over time. 

This is because cortisol can interfere with the production of other hormones like testosterone and estrogen—the hormones involved in sexual desire. 

Stress can also affect your mood and energy levels, which can further reduce your desire for sex.

2. Lack of sleep

If you're not getting enough sleep, your body may not have the energy it needs to keep up with your sex drive. 

Lack of sleep can also disrupt hormone production and can further reduce your desire for sex. 

Research has shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a night have lower levels of testosterone and lower sex drive than those who get enough sleep.

3. Medications

Certain medications can have side effects that affect your sex drive. 

For example, some antidepressants and blood pressure medications can decrease libido as a side effect. Hormonal birth control can also affect libido in some women. 

If you're concerned that your medication is your sex drive, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.

4. Hormonal imbalances

Hormones like testosterone and estrogen play a critical role in your libido. If your hormone levels are out of balance, your sex drive can suffer. 

This can happen due to conditions like thyroid disorders or low testosterone levels in men. 

Women who are going through menopause may also experience a decrease in estrogen levels, which can affect their sex drive. 

Men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

5. Depression

Depression can cause a decrease in libido due to changes in brain chemistry and hormone levels. 

Depression can also decrease energy levels, making it harder to feel aroused. If you're experiencing symptoms of depression, it's important to seek treatment. 

Therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes can all help manage symptoms of depression and improve your overall sexual health.

6. Relationship problems

Relationship issues like communication problems or a lack of emotional intimacy can also negatively affect your sex drive. 

This is because emotional connection is an important part of sexual desire for many people. 

If you're experiencing relationship issues, it's important to communicate openly with your partner and seek support from a therapist or counselor if needed.

7. Low self-esteem

Poor self-image and low self-esteem can make it difficult to feel confident, which can affect sexual desire. 

If you're struggling with low self-esteem, try to seek support from a therapist or counselor. Building self-confidence and self-worth can help improve your sexual health and overall well-being.

8. Age

As people age, their hormone levels naturally decline, which can lead to a decrease in sexual desire. 

In addition, age-related conditions like arthritis or chronic pain can make sex less comfortable, further reducing libido. 

While age-related changes may be unavoidable, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying physically active can help improve your sexual health and function.

9. Poor diet and exercise habits

Your overall health and fitness level can affect your sex drive. 

A poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes—common culprits to low libido. 

Eating a healthy diet and staying physically active can help improve your overall health and sexual function.

10. Substance abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse can interfere with sexual desire and performance. In particular, alcohol can interfere with hormone production and affect sexual function. 

If you're struggling to stop alcohol or drugs, seek support from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist.

How Chinese Herbs Can Recharge Your Libido And Improve Your Sexual Health

Sexual vitality can become unbalanced due to several reasons, including a lack of strength, energy, and circulation. These dysfunctions are often linked to fatigue and stress. 

Chinese herbs can increase libido by amplifying the body's natural vitality. These herbs focus on improving kidney and adrenal energy, muscle strength, and endurance. A combination of a kidney and adrenal tonic plus a blood-building herb can effectively reduce stress and promote sexual fluid.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys and the liver contain life force energy. The goal is to increase circulation to these organs so that the reproductive system has a channel of energy to work with. 

Herbal formulas are designed to supplement and rebuild your reserves, making them an excellent choice for improving your sexual health.

Loss of arousal is most often related to weakened kidney energy, or kidney yin. Yin is the lubrication of the body, and it's crucial to be treated with a formula that will balance the kidney. 

When it comes to loss of drive or libido, a combination of your kidneys and your heart are often involved. 

The kidneys hold space for your sexual energy, while the heart contains love energy. 

Sometimes, the pathway between these two channels can become blocked, creating a disconnect that can feel like being in love with your partner without any sexual desire. 

Using Chinese herbs to improve libido and sexual health has been practiced for centuries—and it's still a popular remedy today. 

Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on a holistic approach to health, which includes treating the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. 

By balancing the body's energy channels and strengthening its vitality, Chinese herbs can help promote overall sexual health and well-being.

So, how do we promote better libido using Traditional Chinese Medicine? Here are 4 herbs to try:

Common Libido-Boosting Herbs:

Ginseng (grén shEn, panax ginseng)

Improves overall sexual wellness and has been recommended by traditional Chinese herbalists for centuries.  Ginseng is an adaptogen well known for reducing fatigue and stress, which will allow muscles to relax more easily. 

Epimedium (yin yang huo, horny goat weed)

Specifically for men, this herb is proven to increase sperm production and stimulate sensory nerves. Along with providing sexual vitality benefits, this epimedium can boost immunity and fight fatigue. 

Ginkgo (maidenhair tree, ginkgo biloba)

This plant is well known for treating depression and poor sexual function. Ginkgo biloba also acts as an aphrodisiac, promoting the blood vessels to relax and increase blood flow. 

Tribulus (bai ji li, tribulus terrestris)

Tribulus is commonly found in libido-boosting supplements on the market. Studies suggest the herb can raise testosterone levels and boost sexual desire. 2

Improved libido often leads to more frequent sex, which is remarkably beneficial for our health. A few perks from an improved libido and sex life include: 

  • Decrease of stress

  • Lower blood pressure 

  • Improved immune system

  • Better sleep

Looking to boost your fertility by boosting your libido? That’s just one piece of the fertility puzzle.

Click here to get in touch, and we’ll set you up with a Fertility Consult through zoom.

This will help you pinpoint any other fertility issues so you can address them.

Additionally, we carry one of our favorite libido boosting herbs on our online shop. Check it out here.

PS: Don’t miss our blog post on more formulas and Chinese herbs we love for boosting your sex drive.

1 Hadady, L. (1999, March). Chinese Herbs Enhance Sexual Vitality. The Chiropractic Resource Organization. https://chiro.org/nutrition/FULL/Chinese_Herbs_Enhance_Sexual_Vitality.shtml

2 Petre, A. (2020, October 14). 7 Aphrodisiac Foods That Boost Your Libido. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/aphrodisiac-foods#2.-Tribulus


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