How to Boost Fertility in Your 30s: Common Causes of Infertility and How to Treat Them

If you're in your 30s and trying to get pregnant, you might be worried that your age is negatively affecting your fertility.

From a Western medical perspective, as you get older, there are several things that make it significantly harder to get pregnant. The number of your eggs decreases and the quality declines, ovulation becomes difficult to predict, and your fertile window typically becomes less frequent. 

Once you hit your 30s, you’ve more than likely smoked, drank alcohol, and experienced high levels of stress. These factors not only increase the risk of medical conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, but they also make it increasingly difficult to conceive. And if women in their 30s do get pregnant, they’re at a higher risk of miscarriage because chromosomal abnormalities in older eggs are more likely to occur. 

Now, you’re probably wondering if it’s even possible to get pregnant in your 30s with all of these obstacles standing in your way. The answer is yes! 

If you’re ready to learn how to boost fertility and get pregnant naturally in your 30s, there are many things you can start doing now. 

Is It Possible To Boost Fertility In Your 30s?

There’s a lot you can do to support your hormones, egg quality, and fertility . . . and it can be way easier than you’d think. 

But with all the conflicting information online these days, it’s hard to find out what the best ways to boost fertility actually are. A few things you can start to do easily at home are eliminate toxic chemicals, reduce your stress, and encourage the man in your life to hop on board with preconception planning too.

If you feel like you’ve already tried everything to have a baby, don’t be discouraged. Before you give up on your dream of having a little kiddo running around, know that there’s a better way. By combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with Functional Medicine, you can get to the root cause of your infertility. 

Ultimately, there are four common conditions that prevent women from having a healthy pregnancy. Once you discover your personal missing link, you can give your body exactly what it needs to get and stay pregnant.

Common Conditions That Cause Infertility and How to Treat Them 

Spleen Chi Deficiency

Stick out your tongue and look in the mirror. Do you have teeth marks along the sides of your tongue? If so, you’re more than likely Spleen Chi Deficient.

If you tend to be cold, gain weight easily, get bloated after eating healthy foods like salads, or feel tired no matter how much sleep you get, this is your body's cry for help. Your reproductive organs aren’t being supplied with enough nutrient-dense blood. 

Spleen Chi Deficiency is very common in women trying to get pregnant and can be reversed in as little as a week. Because Spleen Chi Deficiency is the root of your digestion, the fastest way to reverse it is with food.

Find out if Spleen Chi Deficiency is contributing to your infertility by taking the Fertility Quiz.

Liver Chi Stagnation

Liver Chi Stagnation is a very common cause of infertility in today’s fast paced world where stress is high, self-care is neglected, and restaurant meals are abundant. 

If your tongue has a purple hue to it, you're prone to throbbing headaches, or you have pain in your lower belly, sides, or near your bra line—then you probably have Liver Chi Stagnation. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liver Chi Stagnation is caused by constantly over packing your schedule, feeling chronically stressed out, and routinely pouring from an empty cup. It can be reversed in a matter of months by prioritizing specific activities to make sure your reproductive organs are getting adequate blood flow to nourish them. 

Find out if Liver Chi Stagnation is contributing to your infertility by taking the Fertility Quiz.

Blood Deficiency

Blood Deficiency stems from ongoing heavy periods, a lack of iron-rich foods, and not getting enough nutrients to build your blood. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Blood Deficiency means that there isn’t enough circulation of well-nourished blood red blood cells,  and therefore the blood is not dense enough to carry the necessary nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. This can prevent your uterine lining from being able to sufficiently support embryo implantation and cellular growth.. 

If you feel exhausted and wiped out after your period, have a tongue with a pale pink hue, or experience dizziness, hair loss, or dry skin—you’re operating from a place of deficiency. Fertility is a direct result of optimal health. And if your health is struggling, your body isn’t going to prioritize making a baby.  

Find out if Blood Deficiency is contributing to your infertility by taking the Fertility Quiz.

Blood Stagnation

Blood  Stagnation is a cause of infertility that stems from a combination of Spleen Chi Deficiency and Liver Stagnation. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Blood Stagnation happens when there is a lack of circulation and the blood can't deliver necessary nutrients where they need to go. This happens especially in women that consume lots of cold food and beverages,  experience high levels of stress, prioritize taking care of everyone else, but have a hard time making time for themselves.

If you experience painful or heavy periods, have dark circles or bags under your eyes, get bruises easily, or have dark, distended veins under your tongue—it’s crucial that you get your blood flowing properly again so you can have a baby. 

Find out if Blood Stagnation is contributing to your infertility by taking the Fertility Quiz.

How To Boost Fertility In Your 30s Naturally

No matter what condition you’re experiencing, proper preconception planning is non-negotiable. While the Fertility Quiz will give you customized advice, these simple practices can benefit anyone who’s trying to get pregnant. 

Here are 4 natural ways to boost fertility in your 30s without stepping foot outside of your home.  

Keep Your Belly Warm

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the lower abdomen contains your life force energy. If you have dark menstrual blood, lower back pain, low libido, or late periods, these are signs you have a cold womb.

Finding ways to keep your uterus warm can be the spark that lights your fertility fire. Avoid iced beverages, cold meals, raw foods, and exposing your abdomen to cold temperatures. 

Eat Nourishing Foods That Build Your Blood

Your fertility isn’t just tied to the foods that you eat, but your diet is a great place to start when you’re trying to get pregnant. An optimized fertility diet includes mostly whole, fresh, organic foods and eliminates caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and anything artificial. 

If you want to boost your fertility without spending all your time in the kitchen, check out these easy recipes to make when you want to get pregnant

Detox Your Home

When you search the internet for how to get pregnant in your 30s, the results will likely suggest that you eat clean, cut out alcohol, and take a prenatal vitamin. While these are important pieces that definitely help to boost your fertility, they don’t complete the entire puzzle. Taking these steps without addressing the toxins in your environment simply isn’t enough.

 In today's day and age, it feels like there are chemicals in absolutely everything. And they’re extremely harmful to your hormones, your fertility, and your overall health. While this can feel like a superficial thing to worry about, it’s not. And you can’t ignore the impact these dangerous chemicals have on your fertility. 

Reduce Your Stress

You’ve heard all about how stress negatively impacts your health, but have you thought about how it directly affects your ability to get and stay pregnant? 

When you constantly feel frazzled, your body doesn’t have a chance to get out of fight or flight mode. This significantly increases the amount of time it takes to conceive and can even hinder it completely.

Although it’s “normal” to be stressed in today’s modern world, it’s not doing any favors for your fertility. The sooner you can take back your hijacked nervous system, the better. 

Find The Missing Link to Your Fertility

No matter what you’ve been told, it’s not too late for you to boost your fertility in your 30s. With just 3-6 months of preconception planning, you can increase egg quality, improve ovulation, and get your body ready for your miracle baby.

Once you know exactly what to do, it’s simple. I can help you overcome your infertility and have the family you’ve been dreaming of. 

To get started on your baby making journey, book your Fertility Consult here. 


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