The 3 Best Crystals for Fertility & How to Use Them

If you’re on the path to parenthood, crystals can be a great addition to your fertility tool kit. They’ve been used for centuries all across the world for protection, manifestation, and decoration—and they can even be used as a healing tool!

You don’t have to be woo woo or believe in magic to know that everything is energy. Thanks to Albert Einstein we’ve known this since 1905, but what a lot of people don’t know is that simply being near a crystal can create a tangible shift in the energies that surround you. 

Crystals bring a sense of balance and peace to your baby making journey, which can be just what your body’s craving during this stressful time. And while these “lucky rocks” can certainly prove to be a supportive element in your fertility journey, it’s important to remember that they’re a complementary tool rather than a primary solution. 

To ensure you’re getting to the root cause of any of your fertility issues, book your one-on-one virtual Fertility Consult so you can get tailored guidance to significantly increase your chance of getting pregnant and having a baby.

Here’s a Little Crash Course on How Crystals Work.

Widely used and loved  for home decor and jewelry making, crystals are both aesthetically pleasing and impactful to your well being. They’re more than something fun to collect as each rock’s transformative abilities go farther than meets the eye. 

The type, color, and vibration of the crystal are what give it its individual healing ability. Each crystal has an energy field that directs, absorbs, focuses, and amplifies the energy that’s present. They’re then able to infuse the space with the unique crystalline energy they hold. 

This crystalline energy assists in restoring the body to its most natural, balanced state—resulting in a healthier and happier state of mind and body. 

Are There Crystals for Pregnancy?

While crystals are a wonderful tool to support your fertility, they’re not a magical cure that will solve all your health concerns. Crystals can help bring a sense of calmness and regulation to your body . . . but it’s extremely unlikely that they’ll get you pregnant on their own. 

If you’re ready to grow your family, have miscarried, or are unable to get pregnant, crystals are a great place to start, but expert guidance that’s specifically geared towards you will be your best option to get you on the right path to healing. 

The 3 Best Crystals for Fertility

Before you go out and start collecting all the pretty rocks, it’s important to know what specific crystals hold the energy you’re looking for. If you want to support natural conception and a healthy pregnancy, here are a few of the best fertility crystals.

1) Unakite


Unakite is a heart tonic stone that activates, purifies, and enhances the Heart Chakra. It balances negative energy to help clear any blockages in your energy field that affect your ability to get or stay pregnant. Unakite’s mantra is “living in the now”, making it the best crystal to help you focus on the present moment rather than being stuck in the past or the future. This stone's gentle uplifting energy can help you feel a lot more patient and at ease. 


Well known as the doula stone, unakite is used and loved by midwives to help guide mothers towards a harmonious pregnancy and a calm birth. It’s even said that the stone helps to maintain the health of both the mother and child during pregnancy. Using this stone while trying to get pregnant, throughout pregnancy, and during birth can help calm any fearful energy that you have around the entire journey. 


Unakite unites the heart and mind, bringing ultimate balance in your life. You can place this crystal on your heart while you meditate or take a few breaths to center yourself. It’s also the perfect crystal to wear as an everyday necklace near your heart chakra


2) Black Tourmaline


Black Tourmaline provides a deep sense of balance and stability to anyone who’s near it. It absorbs negative energy, cleanses the mind, and eliminates stress, tension, and anxiety. Black Tourmaline is strongly connected to the Root Chakra, carrying the energy that helps you feel secure and grounded even in the most trying times. 


There’s a lot of waiting that happens when you’re trying to get pregnant. A tremendous amount of anxiety comes in the waiting . . . waiting for the positive test, waiting for the ultrasound, and waiting for the day you get to finally hold your little one. 

Since everything is energy, it’s important to understand that anxiety attracts and grabs onto negative energy, pushing away what is good. When you’re trying to have a baby, you can set your intention on calming that anxiety with a little help from Black Tourmaline. Stress is one of the most common causes of infertility today, so trying to reduce it from all angles can absolutely help you get and stay pregnant. 


Black Tourmaline is popularly used in meditation practices for its calming energy. It anchors the mind, bringing you to a harmonious and peaceful space. The next time you sit down to ease your overwhelmed mind, hold onto your little black stone and get ready to dissolve the distracted energy that’s causing your stress and anxiety.

3) Rose Quartz 


Rose Quartz is popularly known as the crystal of love. It opens your Heart Chakra up, making you a love magnet. By opening up the heart center, the Rose Quartz stone helps to deepen relationships, embrace kindness, and give more love to yourself. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine has valued Rose Quartz crystals for over 5,000 years for their heart healing properties. Rose Quartz is an essential stone for fertility, allowing you to be more appreciative and accepting towards yourself, supporting a happy and healthy pregnancy.

If you’ve experienced continual heartbreak and disappointment that’s involved with infertility, Rose Quartz can help heal your heart. When choosing to continue on the emotional journey through infertility, it can be hard to feel hope again. Rose Quartz can help prepare your mind and heart to step back onto the path to pregnancy again.


As an amplifier of unconditional love, Rose Quartz can soothe your mind and help you regain your sense of importance. You don’t have to do anything more than carry it around in your purse, meditate with it in your hands, or keep it near your bedside. 

Tap Into the Energetic Powers of Crystals for Fertility

All crystals have a specific purpose, and intention plays a big part when it comes to how to use them. You don’t need to carry a bunch of crystals around with you everywhere you go for them to make a difference in your life. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of varieties of rocks out there, but less can actually be more when it comes to supporting your fertility.

If You Have All 3 Fertility Crystals, Here’s a Simple Conscious Conception Ritual to Try.

Unakite, Black Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz all work well together for attraction and healing. Here's a simple Magnolia Mama Meditation you can do in the bath using all 3 stones.

Place the crystals on the rim of your bathtub, anywhere on your body you feel called to, in your hands, or drop them right in the tub. Tumbled stones which are smooth and shiny with rounded edges are best for being soaked in the water since the rougher rocks tend to fade in color over time.

The most important thing for you to remember is that there’s no wrong way to tap into the energy of your crystals—if it feels right for you, do it! Simply set your intention for a healthy pregnancy and baby, take a few deep breaths, and notice when your mind wanders off. When you start thinking about doing laundry or that phone call you have to make, that’s okay. Focus on your breathing for a few more seconds.

If you can only quiet your mind for a single minute, that’s a win in today’s society. Make the time for this ritual as often as you feel called to—and remember it’s called a meditation “practice” not a meditation “perfect”.

If you’re ready to fast track your fertility and wish there was one clear, simple, step for you to take, you’re not alone.

There’s a lot of information out there and it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed by all the options. Let me guide you through the process step-by-step. You can get pregnant naturally. Book your Fertility Consult here, and I’ll show you the way.


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