The Rise of Infertility Rates + 10 Ways to Boost Fertility

If you’re looking to conceive or someone you know and love is ready to grow their family, you might find yourself seeing the f word often. No… not that one - the other f word. Fertility. Being immersed in all things fertility will undoubtedly lead you to some questions. As more couples experience fertility and conception issues, you might wonder - are infertility rates rising? How can I boost my fertility naturally?

Let’s dive in to understand.


From 1960 to 2018, the global total fertility rate decreased 1% per year. Unfortunately, when it comes to fertility issues, the 1% seems to be a pattern and trend. Erectile dysfunction and testicular cancer are increasing by 1% each year, while the rates of testosterone levels and sperm counts are declining by 1%. For females, gestational surrogacy and miscarriage rates are rising 1% each year and ultimately, all these numbers clearly convey reproductive health is declining and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Why are so many folks experiencing fertility issues?

There are a variety of reasons why fertility rates are decreasing. One of the most common culprits of rising infertility rates has to do with environmental factors - specifically, hormone disrupting chemicals. From the products you use in your bathroom, to the plastic in your water bottle to the food you eat, it’s becoming increasingly important to switch to safer alternatives. It’s no coincidence that most of these products were developed after 1950, hand in hand with the beginning of the decline of fertility. 

Other factors that contribute to fertility issues have to do with lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, and poor nutrition. And because we’re here to provide you with tools on how to boost fertility naturally, we’re taking a Traditional Chinese Medicine and nutrition based approach to improve fertility so that we can change the trajectory of these rates, starting today.  

10 Ways to Boost Fertility Naturally

#1. Keep the belly warm

According to TCM, your lower abdomen contains the energy or fire in your body. Some cases of infertility can be from having a ‘cold uterus’ or kidney yang deficiency, so it’s incredibly important to keep your belly warm. Symptoms of having a cold womb or cold uterus look like having dark menstrual blood, lower back pain, low libido and even late periods. Most of the time, this stems from having cold or raw foods, iced drinks, or even exposing your abdomen to the cold. During the two weeks from when you ovulate to when you get your period, make a nighttime ritual where you take a hot water bottle or heat pad (on a low/medium setting) and set it on your lower belly for 20 minutes.

#2. Nourish your kidneys

The kidneys fuel the energy source of your reproductive organs. Much like having a ‘cold uterus’ impacts fertility, the kidneys’ health directly relates to the sexual health of an individual. Through nutrition, you can really strengthen the kidneys when you focus on foods that are black, dark blue or dark purple such as sesame seeds, blueberries or figs. If you’re looking for an amazing herbal formula to build up your kidneys, pick up a batch of Love Goddess Elixir. This herbal blend features Yuan Zhi which has a relaxing and calming effect, while also enhancing the female libido. Check and check. 

#3. Start taking a prenatal vitamin

You might be thinking - wait, don’t I need this if I become pregnant? Why would I take a prenatal before I’m actually pregnant? Great question and we’ve got a lot to say here. Ideally, you’ll want to take a prenatal at least 90 days before you actually get pregnant for a ton of reasons, but we’ll start with the highlights:

  • Prenatals contain nutrients like DHA, folate, and iron that are designed to support fetal development. And because you actually develop your eggs 90 days before they’re released, you want your body to have a reserve of high quality nutrients to reference when you do become pregnant. 

  • It’s not always possible to eat a nutritionally perfect diet every single day and prenatals are there to back you up when you don’t have enough baby making nutrients through your diet. 

  • Studies have shown that taking prenatals prior to pregnancy reduces the risk of preterm babies by one half.

If you’re looking for a prenatal, this is our most favorite all-in-one, source of goodness. 

#4. Get treated for acupuncture with a focus on fertility

There are so many wonderful reasons to get acupuncture, and because we’re focusing on fertility in this post, we’re here to emphasize how helpful it can be to get acupuncture when you’re ttc. When you receive acupuncture, you’ll not only have a reduction in stress, you’ll also have an increase of blood flow to your reproductive system and ovaries. Additionally, when acupuncture is combined with IUI treatments, there have been fantastic findings. One study claimed that over 60% of the test group that received acupuncture and Chinese herbs was able to conceive whereas 39.4% of the control group, who received no acupuncture, did not. 

#5. Increase your B12 intake

Much like taking a prenatal is crucial, taking B12 to boost your fertility is important as well. According to a recent study, B12 deficiency has been linked to fertility complications such as changes to ovulation, issues with development of the egg or possibly defective implantation which increases the risk of miscarriage. The study also found that by correcting the B12 deficiency, chances of conception were significantly increased.

#6. A spoonful of honey

Do you know where we get the term ‘honeymoon’ from? Legend has it that newlyweds would have a spoonful of honey during the first month of marriage to boost their chances of making a baby. Honey naturally increases fertility because it’s an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. It’s rich in amino acids, iron, B vitamins and calcium and may increase egg quality. Honey can even improve erections in cases with erectile dysfunction.

#7. Incorporate maca into your diet

This Peruvian plant has been used for centuries as a natural fertility enhancer and libido booster. It contains a significant source of vitamin C and also increases the sex drive of both men and women. In terms of fertility, a recent review claimed that maca improved the semen quality in both infertile and fertile men. Another study shows that consuming maca for 12 weeks improved the concentration of semen.  A natural mood and energy booster, add this powder to your morning oatmeal or find it capsulized at your local health food store. 

#8. Work with an herbalist for your blend of fertility herbs

Every time you take a bite of a food, you’re taking in a variety of ingredients that work in harmony to create the most perfect flavor bomb. Simultaneously, these ingredients distill down into the nutrients that sustain and nourish you. This is more or less how Chinese herbs work. After having a consultation with an herbalist, they will typically suggest a blend of targeted Chinese herbs or formulas that are customized specifically for your needs to holistically fortify your body. In terms of fertility, Chinese herbs can be incredibly successful. One meta-review found that when taken consistently within a fourth month period, Chinese herbs increase fertility two-fold.

#9. Try Chaste Tree Berry

This herb regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves PMS symptoms. Working with the pituitary gland in the brain, Chaste Tree Berry boosts the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which sets off ovulation. As a result, this herb can strengthen ovulation and progesterone production in the luteal phase. For women who have issues with a short luteal phase, or low progesterone production, it’s a must have.

#10. Have a handful of goji berries every morning

These raisin-like berries pack a powerful punch. Remember when we spoke about how nourishing the kidneys is super important for fertility? Goji berries target the kidney yang to increase sperm count and promote follicle growth. This superfood also boosts energy and is full of antioxidants. Increase your fertility naturally just by having a handful of these red berries or by adding them to your next trail mix batch.


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